Finding the balance
With the holidays here, it is so much easier (it seems) to enjoy our family time, outings are more fun, no “you have to read a chapter” or “Get out the maths book” to take up our mornings. There are more movies, cartoons, computer games, running and jumping just for the fun of it. Two weeks off from the (expensive) gym lessons, swimming, art lessons, music lessons etc…
Why do we fill up our term time with so many things to do? Didn’t we start out homeschooling so we could enjoy our families? Of course, we want the best academically for our little geniuses, of course we want them to have as many and varied experiences as possible.
Does it have to cost us so much – travel time, fuel, fees, not to mention the stress if we are running slightly late? We all know this scenario is not the ideal. Yet, we do need contact with other homeschooling families, and it can be a relief to know we are part of a strong group of likeminded people, not in it on our own at all. Our children do need others to play with, interact with, and make friends with. All of this can be achieved without too much expense, by arranging to meet friends at the local playground or beach, even inviting them over for morning or afternoon tea.
Reflecting on the busyness of our lives in Auckland, the long travel times, the many activities available which all seem so great that we can’t possible miss out; perhaps we keep ourselves so busy just so that the holidays are a welcome relief, and maybe this is an unconscious pattern we are carrying on from our own childhoods, keeping the holidays much less stressful than term time.
Whatever the reason, there must be a balance found between work and play. Too much free time leads to mischief, too little to burnout. We must be doing things that are seen as useful, worthwhile, educational, productive in some way, as well as enjoying the lazy entertainment. Our leisure time can be a reward for a job well done, a much needed relief from the grind. Self discipline is far more rewarding in every area of our lives than just “going with the flow” and letting life happen around us. But we still need to have that balance, the serendipity to accept the unexpected, the flexibility to let go of the routines so we can cope well with the emergencies that crop up.
Finding the balance is what is needed: filling our lives with enough routine and enough excitement, planning but not overplanning, being disciplined yet flexible, going with the flow when needed yet also having definite activities organized when needed. Getting this balance in our lives, adjusting when there’s too much going on to keep up, and having planned down time (such as regular holidays!) is all helpful in keeping us sane.
Christina Shadbolt homeschools Elijah (9) and Joel her youngest attends the local kindergarten. She loves to proofread assignments, essays, books, web pages etc and can be contacted at