Monday 10 November 2008

New poems for fun!

Hi everyone,

This morning after getting up very early (for me) and going for a lovely walk around our rather large block, in the glorious bright summer sunshine; has helped me become quite poetic. Here is the result, and it gives you some idea of what my days might consist of (meant to be read out loud so you can hear the rhyme)...

Why is the floor so very sticky?
I hope that it is nothing icky
My five-year-old has left behind
Hoping that I might not mind!

And here is a little limerick, made with the help of Elijah:

There once was a young lad named Joel,
Who dug in the ground like a mole,
His mother said "golly!",
Which made him quite jolly,
And he quickly came up with a goal!

Well that's our installment for today.
Lots of love,

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