This time of the year, there seems to be just soooo much to get done and not enough time to do it all. I really don't know how others who work fulltime and have little children manage it all without having a breakdown. Well, my sister who has two little boys and is about to have her third, broke her shoulder falling down the stairs the other week. AND she is in the process of adopting three orphans from Nigeria, to be expected to arrive mid-January - what a stressful-sounding life! Yet she is quite happy to be off work for a few weeks (yes, she was working fulltime with it all), and has managed to catch up with a whole heap of things. Only problem is not really being allowed to drive, so that does make it difficult sometimes - in Auckland, you really do need to be able to drive because the public transport is not as frequent or as convenient as it is in many other cities due to the very large area and relatively small population. Anyhow, I was hoping to start a website soon to help with the financial burden of adopting internationally - it is going to cost her around $10,000 per child to bring them over here. And I really want to help.
Now I have to get cracking and start a few useful websites for bringing in the funds!
And, here's something that you might feel very blessed to hear about: for the chance to win free Heart Of Wisdom (HOW) books, and to see the lot at half price, have a look at this:
Heart of Wisdom Blog Contest: A Free Book Random Drawing will be held every Monday through the months of December and January at the Heart of Wisdom Blog. Each week one Heart of Wisdom subscriber will be randomly selected o receive one FREE Homeschool Book or Heart of Wisdom Ebook from A new title will be given away each week. Click here to enter.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Eight great marriage building ideas!
Hi all, here's an article I wrote this morning - am thinking of submitting it to some article distribution websites. What think you?
Eight great marriage-building ideas
There seems to be such a lot of unhappy wedded couples in the world today, so here are a few ideas from someone who has been married more than a decade, to help improve those marriages that appear to be headed for trouble, and to make a great marriage even better!
1) Know yourself; for example when you get tired or grumpy, what circumstances tend to set you off? Try to shape your routine/surroundings to avoid the triggers.
2) Own your feelings – if you use this little trick when there’s something heavy on your heart that you find difficult to discuss, start by saying: “I feel (angry, upset, worried etc) when...”, rather than the accusatory “You make me feel...” Accusing your spouse will have the effect of making them defensive, rather than opening up communication.
3) Try doing a special or helpful something for your beloved – for example, if they normally have to iron or cook, let them have a day off from that chore every now and then. For someone whose primary love language is acts of service, this can fill up their love tank and make for much more pleasant interactions!
4) Speak kindly, encouraging them in their endeavours / dreams / hopes. When someone has a primary love language of words of encouragement, the slightest negative tone in your voice can really crush them. Be aware of the effect your words can have on your spouse. You can encourage using a positive “mmm” if your words have all been used up for the day.
5) Loving touch such as a shoulder massage while they sit at the table after a hard day can make all the difference between a tired, grumpy spouse and a tired, relaxed spouse. Some people might be the prickly type who simply don’t enjoy casual touch like that, you can usually tell when they shudder as soon as you touch them – then you will know that a massage is probably not going to help them to relax much. I do recommend fitting a few hugs into your routine – like when saying goodbye before work and hello when you see each other again.
6) The importance of adequate sleep cannot be underestimated! When your sleep is interrupted night after night, week after week (for example by a crying new baby or wakeful toddler), nasty things go on in the brain chemistry leading to all sorts of mental health issues, depression being the most common. Find someone to help, a friend or family member or even a paid babysitter so the primary caregiver can catch some very much needed sleep.
7) A small thoughtful gift, wrapped nicely with a note for your spouse may have the effect of brightening up their day wonderfully if their primary love language is gifts, leading to closer feelings between you.
8) Time together may be just what you need to help get things back on track – plan a dinner date or a weekend getaway without distractions (leave computers at home), or go for a day walk and see a new view together. For the spouse whose primary love language is time, the more time you have together the better!
The best way to help your marriage is to not be expecting things from your spouse which they may be totally unaware that you are looking for, and to not hold bitterness in your heart for any reason – bitterness is the enemy. Forgiveness is freedom. Then you can focus on helping your spouse feel loved in the best way they can understand it, whether it is by words, time, gifts, acts of service, or touch. Have a happy spouse, and a happy marriage!
Eight great marriage-building ideas
There seems to be such a lot of unhappy wedded couples in the world today, so here are a few ideas from someone who has been married more than a decade, to help improve those marriages that appear to be headed for trouble, and to make a great marriage even better!
1) Know yourself; for example when you get tired or grumpy, what circumstances tend to set you off? Try to shape your routine/surroundings to avoid the triggers.
2) Own your feelings – if you use this little trick when there’s something heavy on your heart that you find difficult to discuss, start by saying: “I feel (angry, upset, worried etc) when...”, rather than the accusatory “You make me feel...” Accusing your spouse will have the effect of making them defensive, rather than opening up communication.
3) Try doing a special or helpful something for your beloved – for example, if they normally have to iron or cook, let them have a day off from that chore every now and then. For someone whose primary love language is acts of service, this can fill up their love tank and make for much more pleasant interactions!
4) Speak kindly, encouraging them in their endeavours / dreams / hopes. When someone has a primary love language of words of encouragement, the slightest negative tone in your voice can really crush them. Be aware of the effect your words can have on your spouse. You can encourage using a positive “mmm” if your words have all been used up for the day.
5) Loving touch such as a shoulder massage while they sit at the table after a hard day can make all the difference between a tired, grumpy spouse and a tired, relaxed spouse. Some people might be the prickly type who simply don’t enjoy casual touch like that, you can usually tell when they shudder as soon as you touch them – then you will know that a massage is probably not going to help them to relax much. I do recommend fitting a few hugs into your routine – like when saying goodbye before work and hello when you see each other again.
6) The importance of adequate sleep cannot be underestimated! When your sleep is interrupted night after night, week after week (for example by a crying new baby or wakeful toddler), nasty things go on in the brain chemistry leading to all sorts of mental health issues, depression being the most common. Find someone to help, a friend or family member or even a paid babysitter so the primary caregiver can catch some very much needed sleep.
7) A small thoughtful gift, wrapped nicely with a note for your spouse may have the effect of brightening up their day wonderfully if their primary love language is gifts, leading to closer feelings between you.
8) Time together may be just what you need to help get things back on track – plan a dinner date or a weekend getaway without distractions (leave computers at home), or go for a day walk and see a new view together. For the spouse whose primary love language is time, the more time you have together the better!
The best way to help your marriage is to not be expecting things from your spouse which they may be totally unaware that you are looking for, and to not hold bitterness in your heart for any reason – bitterness is the enemy. Forgiveness is freedom. Then you can focus on helping your spouse feel loved in the best way they can understand it, whether it is by words, time, gifts, acts of service, or touch. Have a happy spouse, and a happy marriage!
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Marriage article - excellent!
Here's a wonderful article on marriage I found on Ezine:
In one of Charles Shultz's "Peanuts" cartoons, Charlie Brown is sitting in a deck chair near the front of a large boat when Lucy walks up. "Some people go through life with their deck chair facing forward, gazing out where they are going," Lucy says philosophically. "Others go through life with their deck chair facing backwards, looking at where they've been." Then looking directly into Charlie Brown's sunglasses, she asks him, "Charlie Brown, which way is your deck chair facing?"
Charlie Brown shrugging his shoulders answers, "I really don't know...I've never been able to get my deck chair unfolded!" That's how married life is. We can get so caught up in the flurry of day-to-day activities that we fail to take time out to get our deck chair unfolded and take a look at where we are going. But if our deck chairs aren't unfolded and facing forward we're liable to be left standing- drifting, wondering where our lives went.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish" Proverbs 29:18
When asked if there was anything worse than being blind, Helen Keller replied, "The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision." King Solomon, the writer of Proverbs, was indeed wise when he said, "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29: 18).
This principle is foundational for any successful enterprise, including marriage. Applied to marriage, it could be paraphrased: "Where there is no vision, a marriage stops growing and deteriorates. The contrast is clear: perish or flourish; wander aimlessly or stretch forth purposely. What's needed is a vision. Today, more than ever, we as individuals and families need a sense of direction and destiny.
We've found there are great benefits and blessings that come from having a vision and setting goals:
1) Having a vision and goals provides a basis for marriage and family oneness. Amos 3:3 poses the question, "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"
2) It offers a framework for decision making. Life consists of endless pressing decisions: where to invest your time, attention, effort, and money. By setting goals a family will have a guideline with which to make these difficult decisions.
3) It provides us with a reminder of important priorities. Having goals helps us maintain accountability to those priorities. Clearly defined goals helps us make our relationships with God and our family the priority they deserve.
4.) Goal setting provides a sense of joint accomplishment and security. As you set goals and see them accomplished, the two of you are drawn closer together. (Continued on page 2, The Power of Vision)
5.) Rather than feeling like your life is haplessly out of control, you experience the secure feeling that you're living your lives "not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of your time" (Ephesians 5: 18).
Several years ago, we started setting aside time for our own personal, private marriage retreat to get away and seek God's guidance as to what He would have us do, and to make plans for the coming year. It proved so valuable to us, that we have since made it an annual event.
How about you? Do you and your mate have a vision for your marriage and family? Is it clear and written? Are you both headed in the same direction? Have you established specific individual and joint goals that you want to achieve? What are your priorities as a couple and family?
We encourage you to spend some time together to establish your vision and goals for your marriage and family. To help you do that, visit our website, and we'll send you a free copy of our goal-setting guide for couples-Establishing A Vision in Your Marriage & Family.
Roy Milam is Co-founder and Director of Cornerstone Marriage & Family Ministries, Cypress Texas. With over 25 years of combined pastoral counseling, marriage counseling, and training experience, Roy has taught seminars throughout the U.S. helping thousands of people restore and strengthen their marriages. For more information about Cornerstone's "Establishing A Vision In Your Marriage," visit their website:
Article Source:
Hope it has fed your spirit. With Love,
In one of Charles Shultz's "Peanuts" cartoons, Charlie Brown is sitting in a deck chair near the front of a large boat when Lucy walks up. "Some people go through life with their deck chair facing forward, gazing out where they are going," Lucy says philosophically. "Others go through life with their deck chair facing backwards, looking at where they've been." Then looking directly into Charlie Brown's sunglasses, she asks him, "Charlie Brown, which way is your deck chair facing?"
Charlie Brown shrugging his shoulders answers, "I really don't know...I've never been able to get my deck chair unfolded!" That's how married life is. We can get so caught up in the flurry of day-to-day activities that we fail to take time out to get our deck chair unfolded and take a look at where we are going. But if our deck chairs aren't unfolded and facing forward we're liable to be left standing- drifting, wondering where our lives went.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish" Proverbs 29:18
When asked if there was anything worse than being blind, Helen Keller replied, "The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision." King Solomon, the writer of Proverbs, was indeed wise when he said, "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29: 18).
This principle is foundational for any successful enterprise, including marriage. Applied to marriage, it could be paraphrased: "Where there is no vision, a marriage stops growing and deteriorates. The contrast is clear: perish or flourish; wander aimlessly or stretch forth purposely. What's needed is a vision. Today, more than ever, we as individuals and families need a sense of direction and destiny.
We've found there are great benefits and blessings that come from having a vision and setting goals:
1) Having a vision and goals provides a basis for marriage and family oneness. Amos 3:3 poses the question, "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"
2) It offers a framework for decision making. Life consists of endless pressing decisions: where to invest your time, attention, effort, and money. By setting goals a family will have a guideline with which to make these difficult decisions.
3) It provides us with a reminder of important priorities. Having goals helps us maintain accountability to those priorities. Clearly defined goals helps us make our relationships with God and our family the priority they deserve.
4.) Goal setting provides a sense of joint accomplishment and security. As you set goals and see them accomplished, the two of you are drawn closer together. (Continued on page 2, The Power of Vision)
5.) Rather than feeling like your life is haplessly out of control, you experience the secure feeling that you're living your lives "not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of your time" (Ephesians 5: 18).
Several years ago, we started setting aside time for our own personal, private marriage retreat to get away and seek God's guidance as to what He would have us do, and to make plans for the coming year. It proved so valuable to us, that we have since made it an annual event.
How about you? Do you and your mate have a vision for your marriage and family? Is it clear and written? Are you both headed in the same direction? Have you established specific individual and joint goals that you want to achieve? What are your priorities as a couple and family?
We encourage you to spend some time together to establish your vision and goals for your marriage and family. To help you do that, visit our website, and we'll send you a free copy of our goal-setting guide for couples-Establishing A Vision in Your Marriage & Family.
Roy Milam is Co-founder and Director of Cornerstone Marriage & Family Ministries, Cypress Texas. With over 25 years of combined pastoral counseling, marriage counseling, and training experience, Roy has taught seminars throughout the U.S. helping thousands of people restore and strengthen their marriages. For more information about Cornerstone's "Establishing A Vision In Your Marriage," visit their website:
Article Source:
Hope it has fed your spirit. With Love,
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Stuff that's been happening
Our cheque account went into unplanned overdraft. And one cheque I had written hadn't even been given to the people who would bank it yet. Had to borrow from my son's savings to put it back into the black. :-( Hubby NOT happy. Thankfully his pay went through yesterday, so we could catch up with necessary groceries.
I have been planning and organizing to teach an art class called "Creative Days" next term (Term 1 2008), and have finally finalized the venue. Three of the homeschooling families couldn't do it so pulled out. I will need to advertise region-wide for more participants to make sure the class can afford the venue hire plus the materials. It has been fun reading up on how to teach art - I have such a passion for the kids to really discover the joy of creating something new from simple materials. Have borrowed many books, from the local library and from a homeschooling friend whose youngest daughter (age six) is sooo amazing in what and how she draws. The Monart method looks like it could be the most beneficial so I will try to incorporate it into one or two of the ten sessions. I really like the idea of insisting on total silence so the students can concentrate well... not sure quite how well it can be implemented with the age range being from four years old to fourteen.
Also, I have been spending a couple of hours each day going through the ProfitLance internet marketing course - wow it is so in-depth. And gives such a broad overview as well. Now I just need to have a go at using one of his Website Templates to design my own - I am such a newbie at this, it's a little bit scary. As well as exciting. Will keep you posted on progress!
I have been planning and organizing to teach an art class called "Creative Days" next term (Term 1 2008), and have finally finalized the venue. Three of the homeschooling families couldn't do it so pulled out. I will need to advertise region-wide for more participants to make sure the class can afford the venue hire plus the materials. It has been fun reading up on how to teach art - I have such a passion for the kids to really discover the joy of creating something new from simple materials. Have borrowed many books, from the local library and from a homeschooling friend whose youngest daughter (age six) is sooo amazing in what and how she draws. The Monart method looks like it could be the most beneficial so I will try to incorporate it into one or two of the ten sessions. I really like the idea of insisting on total silence so the students can concentrate well... not sure quite how well it can be implemented with the age range being from four years old to fourteen.
Also, I have been spending a couple of hours each day going through the ProfitLance internet marketing course - wow it is so in-depth. And gives such a broad overview as well. Now I just need to have a go at using one of his Website Templates to design my own - I am such a newbie at this, it's a little bit scary. As well as exciting. Will keep you posted on progress!
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Hello world!
Hi to anyone and everyone who sees this - welcome to my blog! I am such a newbie, I couldn't even set this up without my husband's help! I intend to make a post here at least once a week, and here are some of my areas of interest: christian resources, scrapbooking, homeschooling, parenting, learning difficulties, books, etc.... and just recently, internet marketing. I have just started a course named ProfitLance and it is so amazing, a huge resource full of tools and updated regularly - I am hoping to have an awesome resource website up and running for pastors, homeschoolers, scrapbookers, parents and kids within the next few months. More later!
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