Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Quick catchup

Hi all,

Here is a post I wrote ages ago but forgot to publish:

Have been quietly going about the work of being a fulltime mum, keeping the boys and myself on track with developing good habits, keeping house as best I can, keeping up with the extracurricular afternoon activities (we have even added in swimming lessons now, so only have one day a week whan we don't have to be going out to something). But, I find I have been neglecting to keep up with friends and family - so consequently am feeling rather alone at times. If you are recieveing this blogpost as a friend or family member, would you mind making a reply or comment on it?

Last night I made a short speech at Toast Masters, an inspiration for the evening, with the focus on a very wide topic, WORDS. This was not one of the speeches which is evaluated, so I did not have any official feedback from it as to what I could do better, what I did well etc. But the anticipation and preparation, the buildup to it was almost enough to make my brain turn to mush! Am hoping my next speech goes a lot better, with a lot more preparation and fine tuning and in-depth understanding of the topic, so I can speak well with good interaction with the audience rather than stopping and starting while I check my notes.

Books I have been enjoying recently: The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin. This is the second time I have read this one - and my oldest son is quite excited to grasp the basic concepts in it - that there really truly is encoded facts, names, dates, and happenings related to our modern world hidden in the original hebrew in the Old Testament, which really can be found now using simple enough computer searches to find the equidistant letter spacing for each word or date searched for. The writer of the book is an atheist, who set out to find if the code truly exists - he and many others (who were also skeptics) have come to the conclusion that it is really there, undeniably not a product of chance (to the mathematical probability of one-to-trillions range). So, there is now a dawning realization by some that the books in the Bible were given to the human race by a benevolent intelligence far above any comprehendable intelligence which we can imagine. Yet, those who still continue to deny that God could exist wish to believe that this intelligence which knows the future, all possible future happenings, who has encoded it all for us to find if we look for it, might be an alien intelligence of some kind!?! I think maybe they have been lured into thinking that evolutionary theories hold water, or have been so saturated with all the "millions of years" ideas in every so-called scientific book that they cannot use their own reasoning to work out whether those ideas are based on actual facts or simply assumtions about the form of the world as we see it today.

Well, now that I read it, maybe it didn't get posted because I was worried about some of the possible comments which might be directed my way from diehard atheists... we shall find out what happens.

Until next time,

Happy Christmas!

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